Problem Statement: To verify the theoretical concept of how vortices induce vibrations in a solid structure.
Tools: Python, ANSYS, Solidworks
Concepts: Finite element analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vibrations and Control, Flow Visualization, Incompressible flows.
July 2023
January 2023
Firstly a rigid structure was visualized and designed such that it can be used to observe the vibrations.
Next, the simulation is setup using complex CFD parameters such as the Strouhal number, Courant Number, time step, boundary layer thickness parameters etc.
The abpve values are used to determine boundary layer thickness and also give values to all the parameters required to run the simulation.
A basic mesh with appropriate values are given keeping in mind the values of parameters like skewness, aspect ratio, orthogonality etc. which help determine the quality of the mesh.
A UDF(User defined function) was also initiated to allow the vibratory motion of the rigid structure along an axis using a Python Code.
After setting up the simulations, the parameters to be measured, such as residuals for understanding convergence, frequency, amplitude of oscillations, and coefficients of lift and drag, were also configured..
From the flow visualization images and the values obtained from the Coefficient of lift and drag parameters one can conclude that vibrations occur.
The residuals converge as required and hence the system is stable and valid.
An animation video of the behaviour of the velocity contours and the development of vortices explain in detail the phenomenon occurring.