Hey, I’m Anudeep

An enthusiastic Mechanical Engineer passionate about tackling challenging tasks and continuously learning in the fields of Fluids, Design, and Mechatronics.

My Goal

Short Term

In the short term, I aim to contribute to groundbreaking technologies and innovative products that challenge my expertise and encourage me to adopt new approaches and methodologies. I aspire to collaborate with leaders in the field of mechanical engineering early in my career, ensuring I remain at the forefront of technological advancements and seamlessly integrate the dynamic evolution of technology into my work.

Long Term

In the long term, I aspire to transform a conventional product by redefining its purpose and impact, inspiring the next generation of innovators to challenge established norms. My goal is to empower students and professionals alike to think beyond traditional boundaries, confidently pursuing ideas that reshape the perspectives of the conventional world.

X-Ray Image Extraction

Used Image processing techniques to isolate the required aspects of an X-Ray problem statement to draw conclusions and inferences based on the operations performed.

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Mechatronics Projects

Autonomous fighter bot

A fighter bot integrated with shooting, driver, localization and obstacle avoidance systems working in symphony with complex algorithms run on Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

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Micro-slicing analysis and interpretation using GANs

Trained, tested and reproduced images using Generative Adversarial Networks given a set of parameters associated to the micro-structural aspects of an Aerofoil using micro-slicing techniques to understand input parameters.

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Vortex Induced Vibrations

Analysis and validation of the formation of vibrating vortices when air is impeded against a vibrating sphere using appropriate boundary conditions and fluid properties.

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Design and Fluid Projects

LIGO Observatory Airflow Analysis

Calculation and design of techniques to reduce the effect of aerodynamic force on a Gravitational observatory by altering minute design parameters and performing detailed fluid analyses using flow simulations.

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Unidirectional flow simulation using SIMSCALE

Simulation of the Unidirectional flow-slider problem to relate the behaviour of velocity and pressure streamlines in theory and simulations.

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